Hello my friend

It might feel like
a radical idea to hire
a photographer to take your portrait.

But what if, just for a moment, you unapologetically claimed some space for yourself?

Sometimes it feels like not just days, but also years are passing quickly.

I’m inviting you to pause and appreciate your journey and look at the person you’ve become.

It is easy to write off such an experience as superficial, but it is nothing but.

It takes courage to be seen.

In the quiet conversation between the photographer and the photographed one, the layers are peeled away.

Light and shadows have a way of revealing complexities. The light can be strong and gentle at the same time, just like you.

Next Portrait Day is happening on Saturday, September 23rd in Paris and I still have some open spots.

If that doesn’t work for you for whatever reason, but you would like to see yourself through my lens one day, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
